Monday, June 9, 2008

Who knows?

Who knows?

Can anyone tell me what will happen after 10years when the fuel is very not enough?
Can someone tell me that after 20 years if the petrol had finished?

Malaysia is a lucky country, we are very well-endowed with natural resources. From tin to oil, this nation has lived with abundance for over 50 years. As such, most Malaysians never have to worry about scarcity; both at the government level and at the individual level, and as a result, wastage has become one of the characteristics of our lifestyle.When natural resources finished,will riot happen in our country? if without financial support of government,you can survive then I believe it should be no problem to you, but for those that still open the mouth and waiting for the meal?

Agriculture can be work? or you just only know about that? you should learn the lesson before this right? HELLO! wake up lo! its time for you to come down and sleep at home, or you wanted to say its still not enough for you to spend for the coming 4 generation?

I really dont know who is the guy that our country had sent to the moom but I really support that you do so,if possible then you should ask more money from us then we can send you to the moon also. I think everyone will be more happy if you are the one that stay at the moon.

That is alot of project running by the government now, haven't ask haven't know, it will be a win win situation but by 7:3 or 6:4. The price is ...depends on your personal point of view lo.

For Anti-Inflation Council, hope you all can really do something. Every news that can read in newspaper its too dramatic, can it be trust? opps...I m a PR student,then you should know the answer by my status or my personal point of view.


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